Are you interested in developing leadership skills and learning the components of executive presence? The best leaders are those who establish an executive presence that helps the company succeed. They look to advance others in their careers and have access to a range of positive and suitable opportunities.

In order to achieve a leadership position within an organisation, executive presence is essential. Your presentation skills and how you dress do not matter; it is how you present yourself every single day that counts. To be a good leader, you should be assertive, clear, talkative and have the knowledge to share and help others become better.

What is an Executive Presence? 

Executive presence is the combination of character and personality traits that make up a dynamic leader. To be a true leader you must inspire others, being assertive and consistent in your various roles and clear in your direction. 

As a team leader you have to be able to identify and understand what is happening in your team, pinpointing the needs and requirements of the your colleagues, as well as their relationship to the organisation's business. You should also possess key individual characteristics, such as good leadership, drive and energy, excellent presentational skills and the ability to encourage and help teammates.

What are the Five Essential Elements of Executive Presence?

These will make you realise that there are people who get noticed and promoted in your company. They are successful and tend to have an unmistakable charismatic aura.

There is a clear delineation between successful and struggling leadership and if you want to be a truly successful leader you must develop not just the necessary skills, but also a strong executive presence.

  1. Confidence: Confidence is the foundation of every successful leader and is impossible to duplicate or fake, but can be developed and cultivated.

 While you are developing your career, you will have ups and downs, but stand firm and be mentally, technically and tactically strong. To be a good strong leader, you must show, confidence; an essential part of leadership quality. 

Always be prepared for downfalls, but ask yourself questions, be bold, take calculated risks, stick to your words and make those clear decision that will help you and the organisation grow.

  1. Awareness: Leadership involves understanding yourself as well as other people and how you relate to them, so it is important to grasp how you communicate with others and come across to them.

Awareness is all about emotional understanding. You should be able to recognise other people's signals and respond appropriately to them. Analyse the situation and understand exactly what is happening, so when faced with any difficulties you can show leadership by allowing people space, listening to their concerns and being empathetic.

  1. Character: It is more important to have a good character than intelligence, brilliance, talent or confidence, as without good behaviour, it is hard to oversee an organisation.

The next promotion will depend on your character and behaviour, even if you are hardworking, talented and at the top of the team. Your character will show your moral compass and ethical beliefs and speak to how you treat people depending on the situations and judgments as you climb the career ladder.

Character, however, can be managed, controlled and transformed over time.  Consistent practising will instil a positive vibe in your character that will aid future growth.

  1. Communication: When you are communicating, don't drag the conversation out; stick to the main point and stand by what you are trying to say. Research suggests that you should always try to speak in a low pitch, as deeper voices are taken more seriously and speaking quickly sounds flustered and nervous. 

When speaking, slow down and talk smoothly. This helps the other person easily understand and creates a positive vibe. Your body language also communicates powerful messages about your confidence and what you are saying. Take your time, be confident enough to speak up and avoid doing anything that makes you feel uncomfortable while speaking.

  1. Consistency 

Whatever you work on, don't do it piecemeal; ensure that you do it perfectly, consistently, and consciously. Before you start anything, you should know the complete story and have all the information you need.

To be a successful leader, you should be consistent with your demeanour, mood and reactions. By understanding your emotions, you will be able to follow your passion and energy for your company's growth as well as yours. Understand any errors, don't put yourself down, be aware of your emotion and work hard to you reach your goals.

What is the Best Way to Build an Executive Presence in an Organisation?

Executive presence is one of the top qualities of leadership. To develop it you have to choose the right university or college to build your career. LSBF offers one of the best courses globally, unlocking your capabilities and identifying your strengths as a leader.

A programme from LSBF has several benefits. You will become a better leader, developing critical awareness skills, strengths and objectives, while understanding your capabilities and maximising your potential. 

By pursuing an executive education programme from LSBF, you will have the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally


This article was written by Joseph Chinnabathini and edited by -----------------------------------------
